The Sanctum offers seasonal events.


Halloween Costume Contest
Bring on your best creativity for this contest. Admins will vote for placewinners and players will vote for their favorite. All Participants will get a kit.

Halloween Dungeon Placeholder

Halloween Quest Placeholder

Succubus Pet Quest

Halloween Maze Placeholder

There are several Halloween vendors that will trade their goods for corroded coin, a Halloween exclusive currency. These vendors sell consumables and decor items.

Valentine’s Day

Rose Hunt Daily
In this daily quest, you can turn in 10 lover’s roses to Arieth for goodies.

Winter Holidays

Winter Holiday Placeholder


Spooky Building Contest
Halloween themed building contest. Admins will vote on the top 3 builds. Players will vote on their favorite. All participant will receive a spooky participation kit. This event will culminate in a Trick-or-Treat style base tour.

Sucker For Love
This event centers around Valentine’s Day. Players can purchase Valentine’s cards, and gift them to other players. All players who sign up get a themed participation kit. Special prizes go to the players who receive the most hearts.

Scavenger Hunt for McLuvin
This is a special Valentine’s themed Scavenger Hunt that has players gathering items for McLuvin’s first date. Prizes go to the first 3 players to find all of the items. All participants will receive a Valentine’s themed kit.

Easter Holiday Placeholder

New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Placeholder

St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day Placeholder